Facts about Inclusive Access for students.
Think Inclusive Access saves you money? Take a closer look.
We all know how expensive textbooks are. You might have heard that Inclusive Access is supposed to save you money. This is true—if you are planning to buy the brand-new print edition of all your books. But do you want to shop around for lower-priced textbook options? Prefer to buy a used book, rent one, or borrow from a friend? Want a print book instead of reading online? Want to keep your course materials to refer back to after your course ends? Inclusive Access makes all of that harder, and may even cost more.
In essence, Inclusive Access is a way to automatically bill you for textbooks. While your campus will say that you can “opt out” of, doing so can prevent you from accessing important course components, like online homework. So, the “choice” to opt out of Inclusive Access isn’t always a choice.
So, what can you do? Know your rights, use your voice, and read up on the facts on Inclusive Access.

Opportunities to Get Involved
Open Textbook Alliance
Visit the Open Textbook Alliance for a wide range of resources to support student advocacy for textbook affordability.
Student PIRGs
The Student PIRGs have chapters at campuses across the country. Join one to get involved in the Make Textbooks Affordable campaign.
Share Your Story
Have an experience with Inclusive Access? We want to hear about it! Take a few moments to share your story with us today.

Get involved.
InclusiveAccess.org was created to promote awareness of the challenges around Inclusive Access. We know that the conversation cannot end there. We invite you to get involved with other students who have concerns about this model and want to find ways to be heard on campus. Complete this form to let us know you’re interested, and we’ll follow up, or reach out to us at contact@inclusiveaccess.org.
10 Questions Students Should Ask About Inclusive Access
What efforts has the campus made to verify that Inclusive Access saves students money?
How are the advertised student savings calculated? Does the calculation reflect that many students buy used books?
Will I be asked for consent before I am automatically billed, or will I be billed automatically?
Will I be informed of the amount I will be billed at the time I am registering for courses?
Will I be informed about the terms of service of the digital textbooks when I am registering for courses?
What efforts will the campus make to ensure a simple, transparent, and clearly-communicated opt out process?
If I opt out, will I still be able to complete all of my required assignments?
Has the campus agreed to any quotas for the number of students who need to be opted in?
What support mechanisms are in place for students who cannot afford Inclusive Access materials?
What plans are in place to ensure Inclusive Access doesn’t become a runaway fee?