What is Inclusive Access?
Inclusive Access Defined
Inclusive Access is a textbook sales model that adds the cost of digital course content into students’ tuition and fees. Inclusive Access programs usually start with an agreement between an institution, a bookstore, and one or more publishers. On or before the first day of class, digital content is delivered to students, typically through a learning management system. Students have a period to “opt out” before they are automatically billed for the cost. After the end of the course, students typically lose access to the content. Inclusive Access is also known as automatic textbook billing, and the details of each program can vary by campus.
Do you want Inclusive Access on your campus? Get the facts and decide for yourself.

Inclusive Access Models
Flat-Fee Model
Under a Flat-Fee Inclusive Access model, students are charged a fixed cost based on the number of units or credit hours, regardless of the cost of their exact materials. Brand names include “First Day Complete” and “Equitable Access.”
Course-by-Course Model
Under a Course-by-Course Inclusive Access model, students in participating courses are billed for the cost of their assigned materials. Prices are set by publishers or vendors and opt-out may be available on a course-by-course basis.
What does your campus call Inclusive Access?
Inclusive Access names and policies can vary from campus to campus. This can be challenging for students, since they do not know they will be automatically billed for textbooks until it shows up on their account—and the names of some programs may not clearly describe the model. Submit the name of your campus’s Inclusive Access program, and we will add it to the list!
All Access
All Inclusive
All Students Acquire
Auto Access
Complete Digital Access
Course Complete
Course Fee
Course Material Fee
Day One Access
Digital Access Fee
Digital Course Content Access
Digital Direct Access
E-Content Fee
Eagle Direct Textbooks
Equitable Access
First Day
First Day Access
First Day Books
First Day Complete
Flash Books
Follett ACCESS
Immediate Access
Inclusive Access
Instant Access
Raider Ready
Universal Access